PresentàDiane Scheffler, Mary Jo Kruse, Andrea Richman, Lennis Howrey, Loren Johnson, Barb Meiners, Marv Poppen, Dale Proctor, Pastor Sherer
AbsentàSandy Hokinson, Steve Hall, Liz Schoon, Dave Schreier
GuestsàMinistry Asst. Collmann
1. Opening & Devotions—Scheffler called the regular meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. in Fellowship Hall. Devotions given by Scheffler.
2. Agenda—Motion by Kruse; second by Howrey to approve agenda as printed. All ayes. Motion carried.
3. Minutes—Motion by Proctor; second by Meiners to approve minutes from the February meeting as amended to correct the spelling of ‘alter’ to ‘Altar’ in section 5.C.ii. All ayes. Motion carried.
4. Non-Committee Action Items
· Annual Meeting—A Parish Ed committee report was shared and will be added to the Spring Congregation meeting booklet.
· Discussion held that Liz Schoon’s name was not listed in the Annual Meeting booklet so will need to be mentioned.
5. Committees & Organizations [no report for the following committees: Worship, Music & Arts, Social Concerns, Personnel, Finance/Admin, Stewardship, Memorial/Archives, Cemetery]
· Parish Education—see written report. Their agenda items included finalizing plans for Celebration Sunday, choosing Vacation Bible School (VBS) curriculum, recruiting VBS staff and director, and to finalize plans for Graduate Recognition Sunday.
· Buildings & Grounds—
· Discussion held about the key policy and everything seems to be going well.
· Howrey reported on the kitchen updates and dishwasher quotes. Howrey will ask Vara and Norma to attend the next council meeting to help council develop a clear understanding of how to proceed with the project.
· Howrey reported on the Tuckpointing quotes. Discussion held on presenting the information at the Spring Congregation Meeting on March 8th, 2009. Howrey will draft a message for the congregation.
· Howrey reported the shelves in the food pantry are fixed.
· Evangelism & Outreach—Johnson reported he plans to have a committee meeting on Sunday, 3/8/09.
· Endowment Committee—Discussion held about a letter received from Wartburg regarding Bryan Simmons. Pastor will place a phone call to discuss the letter.
6. Parochial Report Motion by Kruse; second by Meiners to approve monthly Parochial Report and change church records to show the following [no deaths, marriages, transferred ins]:
Baptisms—Luke Ryan Simmons
Transferred Outs—Jenna Marie Elridge and daughter, Madison Marie Stork; Lori and Christina Schreier: Andy, Jaclyn, Riley, and Reese Ettinger
All ayes. Motion carried.
7. Pastor’s Report Council entered closed session at 8:05 pm. Closed session ended at 8:42 pm. Pastor reported on the learning materials the 9th grade confirmation students will be using during lent. Pastor, again, wanted to express his deep gratitude and thanks for all the prayers. Teasingly, council reminded Pastor about his 5-minute sermon.
8. Ministry Assistant’s Report M. Collmann reported the following:
· Blood drive Monday, March 9th
· Lenton lunches start on March 4th
· Crop Walk is planned for April 19th—The Golden Shoe goes to the congregation who shows the greatest percentage increase of giving, based on membership, from the previous year. The Crop walk fundraiser will include asking members to bring in unmatched socks, and have kids fill socks with coins.
9. Treasurer’s Report see written report
Loan Balance à $1,884.87; Checking Balance à negative $2,015.34
9. Kruse reported the reason Christmas offering from year 2008, shows in 2009 budget, is because church books are closed on Dec. 25th. Kruse reported. Discussion held about other line items on the treasurer’s report.
10. Motion by Proctor; second by Johnson to approve the treasurer’s report. All ayes. Motion carried.
11. Old Business
· Annual Meeting – see non-committee action items.
· Delegates for WIS Convention in May—discussion held about Karen Rix being able to attend. Another delegate will be asked for during the spring congregation meeting.
· Audit committee—Kruse reported Mel Renken, Ann Schlapkohl, and John Jacobs accepted the audit committee duties, but would not be able to complete an audit before Martch 8th, for the Spring Congregation meeting.
11. No New Business
12. Final Comments—Scheffler reported on the upcoming 30th Anniversary of Pastor’s ordination. On a separate note, Kruse noted an idea of having a church sale to distribute the remaining anniversary mugs, cookbooks and sun catchers.
13. Closing Devotions given by Scheffler. Motion by Howrey; second by Proctor to adjourn. All ayes. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 9:27 pm.
Respectfully submitted by Andrea Richman, Secretary