Wednesday, May 6, 2009

May 5, 2009 Church Council Minutes

Present: Diane Scheffler, Sandy Hokinson, Andrea Richman, Lennis Howrey, Loren Johnson, Marv Poppen, Dale Proctor, Liz Schoon, Dave Schreier, Pastor Sherer, Mary Jo Kruse

Absent; Steve Hall, Barb Meiners

Guests: Ministry Asst. Collmann

1. Opening & Devotions

Scheffler called the regular meeting to order at 7:03 pm in Fellowship Hall. Devotions given by L. Johnson.

2. Agenda

Motion by Proctor; second by L. Johnson to approve agenda as printed. All ayes. Motion carried.

3. Minutes

Motion by Poppen; second by Schoon to approve minutes from the April council meeting as printed. All ayes. Motion carried.

4. No Non-Committee Action Items

5. Committees & Organizations [no report for the following committees: Stewardship, Evangelism & Outreach, Finance & Admin, Memorial & Archives]

A. Worship, Music, & Arts—Discussion held around the summer worship schedule; we will look to the June newsletter for summer worship schedule, with the summer 9AM worship time to begin on June 1.

B. Parish Education—Schoon reported the garage sale raised $650 to be used toward VBS. As another way to raise funds for VBS, a purse and jewelry party is being planned for June.

C. Social Concerns—Discussion held around the “Greater Crater Days” food stand. The concession stand is operated on a rotational basis with other congregations in the community. Since we ran the stand last year, we will not have it again this year; it will be run by the Methodists this year.

D. Buildings & Grounds

i. Howrey reported on the Tuckpointing contracts and gathered the correct signatures.

ii. Pastor Sherer reported on the dishwasher project. Preliminary research indicates we may be able to save money on the dishwashing unit. Pastor Sherer will continue to look into the project.

iii. Howrey went on to report the east door of the church, going to the basement, will be fixed and they will begin looking into trees for the parsonage.

iv. Discussion held about the doors and windows on the church building; they will be tended to during a day set aside as a spring, or summer, church workday.

E. Personnel—Proctor reported the new custodian, Dean Kaufman, has started. Pam has been helping out a great deal; we want to thank her for her past service and all the help in training the new person.

F. Cemetery—Poppen reported on lots for sale in the cemetery by Terry & Janet Sigland; Poppen went on to report he took ‘inventory’ at the cemetery and a workday is needed. A “workday” date will set at the June council meeting.

6. Endowment Committee—The committee approved a request of funding for the confirmation retreat, to help pay for materials and resources.

7. Parochial Report Motion by Howrey; second by Kruse to approve monthly Parochial Report as corrected to change “Michelle Lee Harper” to “Heuser” and change church records to show the following [no deaths, marriages, no transferred ins]:

Baptisms— Michelle Lee Heuser, Alix Kay Bjorklund, Bradley Joseph Mrla, Landon Joseph Mrla, Kyleigh Ann Weske

Transferred Outs— Jeffrey Zehr

All ayes. Motion carried.

8. Pastor’s Report Pastor Sherer reported the classroom portion of the confirmation year has been completed. The confirmation retreat is a required portion of the confirmation year, so those who did not attend received a “work-packet” that needed to be completed. Pastor Sherer asked two council members to help monitor proctor confirmation tests [tests were proctored the Wednesday night after council meeting was held]. Dale Proctor and Sandy Hokinson offered to help.

9. Ministry Assistant’s Report M. Collmann reported the congregations in Manson raised $5203 for the CROP walk in 2008. For 2009, $2,793.25 was raised. The Golden Shoe goes to the church that has the highest increase in percentage of giving and Augustana was awarded the Golden Shoe.

10. Treasurer’s Report see written report

Loan Balance à $2,554.87; Checking Balance à (neg.$4,788.82)

Kruse reported we had to borrow $1,500 on Monday, May 4, 2009 bringing the loan balance at the time of the council meeting to $4,054.87. Kruse went on to report around the funds designated for the tuckpointing project.

Motion by Hokinson; second by Schoon to approve the treasurer’s report. All ayes. Motion carried.

11. No Old Business

12. No New business

13. Final Comments –Bryan Simmons, Wartburg Seminary student, did a very nice job in leading worship and preaching on May 3. at the service worship.

14. Closing Devotions read by congregation. Motion by Kruse; second by Proctor to adjourn. All ayes. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 9:10 pm.

Respectfully submitted by Andrea Richman, Secretary