Present: Diane Scheffler, Sandy Hokinson, Mary Jo Kruse, Andrea Richman (left at 8:05 pm), Lennis Howrey, Loren Johnson, Barb Meiners, Marv Poppen, Dave Schreier, Pastor Sherer
Absent: Steve Hall, Dale Proctor, Liz Schoon
Guests:Ministry Asst. Collmann
1. Opening & Devotions
Scheffler called the regular meeting to order at 7:04 pm in Fellowship Hall. Devotions given by Poppen.
2. Agenda
Motion by Howrey; second by Hokinson to approve agenda as amended to add the 30th ordination celebration and grant under new business. All ayes. Motion carried.
3. Minutes
Motion by Poppen; second by Johnson to approve minutes from the last meeting as amended. All ayes. Motion carried.
4. No Non-Committee Action Items
5. Committees & Organizations [no report for the following committees: Worship, Music & Arts; Parish Education; Social Concerns; Stewardship; Evangelism & Outreach; Finance/Admin; Personnel; Memorial/Archives; Endowment]
A. Buildings & Grounds—Howrey reported on the following…
i. The locksmith has been called and waiting for work to be completed on the SE door.
ii. No decisions have been made on the type of trees to plant at the parsonage
iii. Dave George contacted Howrey to let him know the streets around the church will be worked on, so we were asked about refinishing the parking in front of the church. Discussion was held. Howrey will get a bid before any decisions are made.
B. Cemetery—Howrey reported some trees were removed from the cemetery; Poppen reported the north side of the shed still needs to be painted
6. Parochial Report Motion by Kruse; second by Meiners to approve monthly Parochial Report and change church records to show the following [no marriages, transferred ins or transferred outs]:
Deaths— Delores Oberhelman
Baptisms—Ashton Harvey Neumann
All ayes. Motion carried.
7. Pastor’s Report
A. Pastor Sherer reported letters were mailed to 9th Grade confirmation students. The letter showed each individual’s progress against the 3-year confirmation requirements. Based on the requirements and the progress, there is concern that some students may not be ready to confess their faith in October.
i. If confirmation students are behind in sermon notes, there is a way for students to make up the sermon notes.
B. Paster Sherer also reported, starting in the fall, Sunday School will be Nursery through 7th grade.
8. Ministry Assistant’s Report M. Collmann reported she visited with Olan Mills about doing a church directory. Discussion was held. Council decided to wait for 1 more year before doing another directory. M. Collmann went on to report there were twelve blood donors during June blood drive.
9. Treasurer’s Report see written report. Kruse reported on the following…
Loan Balance à $4,929.87; Checking Balance à negative $1,745.76
A. The older office copy machine is not working. Before any action is taken, Pastor Sherer will check with Randy Egli to see what it would take to repair the old copier.
B. An audit of the church records was completed by Ann Schlapkohl, John Jacobs, and Mel Renken. Everything was in order.
C. Simply Giving will have a minimum fee, per transaction, starting on January 1, 2010.
Motion by schreier; second by Meiners to approve the treasurer’s report. All ayes. Motion carried.
10. Old Business
A. 30th Anniversary Celebration of Ordination for Pastor Stephen Sherer
i. In honor of the event the Assistant Bishop, Danette Johns, will be preaching on August 9, 2009.
ii. We will celebrate with a potluck picnic, after worship, on August 9 at the swimming pool park. We will ask for donations during Sunday worships before the celebration potluck. The donated money will be used to purchase hamburgers and hotdogs.
iii. Pastor Sherer plans to kick-off the Heifer International project to coincide with the celebration.
B. Dishwasher for Church kitchen – Pastor recommended purchasing the new Hobart dishwasher for $5,600. Designated dishwasher money raised to date will buy the dishwasher, cabinetry, plumbing, and electricity for the project.
11. New business
A. Grant Information – Eileen Junkman has looked into making our church an historical site; which would allow us to apply for a grant to help pay for the planned tuckpointing and window projects. Motion by Poppen; second by Howrey that Eileen, with the assistance of Laura Horan, be given permission to formulate a grant request for monies that can be used for tuckpointing and windows; we further empower her to investigate our church building as an historical site. Discussion followed. Eileen will report back to council on the above criteria before any actions are taken. All ayes. Motion carried.
12. Final Comments – Pastor plans to set a date of August 16 or September 13, from 4:00 pm to 7:00 pm, as “Equipping the Saints” – this day will be our congregation Lay Leadership meeting.
13. Closing Devotions given by Poppen. Motion by Johnson; second by Howrey to adjourn. All ayes. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 9:09 pm.
Respectfully submitted by,
Andrea Richman, Secretary & Mary Jo Kruse, Acting Secretary